We arrived home at our house at 10:30pm last night. Our flight was delayed in Chicago so we were home a little later than planned so some of our welcoming committee couldn't be there. It was amazing to walk out of the airport and see our boys, family and great friends. We were exhausted from our trip, but were so energized by the love and hugs from family and friends.
One of the best things about being home is to have our whole family back together again. We missed Benjamin and Ethan so much, but are so proud of them for being so great while we were gone.
Thanks to both our mommas we came home to a clean house, and food in the refrigerator :). My wonderful sister bought us lunch over today - if you know Chris you can guess what we had (chipolte) - thanks Abs and Steve.
Lily traveled well - thank you so much for all of you that prayed for her. She had no issues with her heart. She had moments where she was fussy, so we did some pacing in the plane. We didn't get much sleep so it was a long 22 hrs, but our beds felt amazing when we collapsed in them last night. Coming through customs at Chicago airport, we turned over the brown envelope, that they then open, checked the paperwork - and Lily officially became a US citizen. This was an emotional moment for me - it felt like the final hurdle of a long journey that started 1 1/2 years ago - we were coming home with our daughter :).
We were all wide awake at 6am today, but our now dragging, trying to stay awake until tonight (I have already taken one nap). Lily has been unusually fussy today, I think she is just exhausted from traveling, and settling into a knew environment. She is taking her second nap of the day - I pray she sleeps tonight.
It has been wonderful to start introducing Lily to her extended family - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, I know there will be lots more introductions over the next few weeks.
We see the pediatrician tomorrow, and the cardiologist Tuesday. The rest of the week will consist of unpacking, laundry, hanging out as a family, and starting to form our knew routine with the 6th member of the Yeatts family :).
Here are a few pictures of our last moments in China
Traveling on the bus Hong Kong
On the plane to Japan
Lily right after she became a US citizen
I'm new to your blog. It has been wonderful reading about your journey. I made a similar trip to Romania 20 years ago.
I just wanted to tell you how much fun it was looking at Lily's "toys" in these pictures. It's just amazing how much fun crackly paper can be!
So glad you made it home safely. Hope your cardio appt goes well this week and he gives you good news. We will be praying for you all as you get back to the new normal :)
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