Thursday, January 28, 2010

Referral, Referral, Referral !!!!!!!!!!!!

We are VERY EXCITED to announce the referral of our daughter

Qing Xiaonan

soon to be

Lilly ? Yeatts

We received the referral call yesterday from AWAA. They immediately emailed us her information, and from the moment we saw her we knew she was a Yeatts.

She is two years old, her birthday is January 4th. She has a heart condition called a VSD and Tricuspid Atresia, which she will need surgery for as soon as possible. We are anxious to get her home and get her the medical care she needs, but we know we are going to have to wait for several months. Hopefully we will travel to China in July or sooner.

Until our referral is officially approved by China we can not post her picture, but she is beautiful.

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