Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 9

This will be a short post today. We are still unable to post pictures.

Lily has had a fever all day, and has pretty much slept on the bed. She has actually just in the last hour started to perk up a little, it is 9:30pm here. She has only had one bottle all day, so I am hoping she will drink some more.

Chris and Mia went out this morning with the rest of the families, and Lily and I stayed at the the hotel.

I felt so bad for her, she didn't want me to hold her, she just covered her face with her arm and rocked herself :(.

I am praying for a better night tonight and no fevers tomorrow.

Tomorrow we go and get her TB test read, it looks negative to me :).


Adeye said...

Sending you a HUGE hug, my friend.

Hang're almost coming home.

Love you.

Brenda said...

We are keeping you all and especially little Lily in our prayers for a full recovery and a wonderful last few days in China.

Soon you will all be home and settling, resting in your own beds and basking in your 2nd wonderful miracle!

God Bless You!
Brenda (Qingyangtreasures)

lisa said...

HOpe there are no fevers tomorrow. We'll be praying.
God be with you.
Lisa F

"T" said...

Poor baby. Hope she is feeling better in the morning.